(since 2009) it was the coldest since 2021 with fourteen having been warmer and two colder -- (Since 2007) it was the driest since 2019 with two having been drier and fifteen wetter - MSLP was -2.8 Mb below average -- rainfall 41.6% of the average for 2008-24 -- the temp' was 1.12°c below average (2009-24).
Rainfall totalled 59.2 mm - Mean Min' of -0.66°c - Mean Max' 5.12°c - with a highest maximum of 12.0°c (14th) and a lowest minimum of -8.0°c (10th).
There were the following 'Days of' - snow fell on two days and was lying on the ground one one day -- fog, hail and a gale were recorded once each -- With 18.7 mm the 23rd was the month's wettest day -- the highest gust of wind is not known due to a technical issue (now resolved) - the mean wind speed was 4.55 mph.
Summary - for December's report see the link at the top of the page.
A summary and detail of the weather for 2024 can be read here REVIEW OF 2024 and other summaries/articles are also available such as this: But it's meant to be Summer (Summer 2017)
Local Historical Weather
Seathwaite (Borrowdale) - average rainfall for November (1845-2023) is 361.0 mm - the driest year was 1945 (31.8 mm) and the wettest 2009 (969.0 mm)
Shap - 1991-2020 averages for November are: rainfall 205.0 mm - mean minimum temperature 2.39°c, mean maximum 8.51°c - 8.1 air frosts - 17.7 Wet Days and mean wind speed of 8.33 Knots
Appleby - average rainfall for November (1856-2023) is 86.7 mm - the driest decade was the 1870's (71.1 mm), the wettest, 2000's (107.3 mm) - on two occasions (1945 and 1937) Nov' has had less than 10mm and twice it has had more than 200mm (which includes 2009, the second wettest month on record)
Maulds Meaburn - November - November is wet, on average the third wettest month of the year, but after five of the last six have notched up 100mm+ we really are due a drier one. The driest Nov' in my records had 51.3 mm which makes it the wettest, driest month in my records! Obviously 2009 still lives long in the memory, even though it was 'replaced' by Dec' 2015 as the wettest. The end of the month in 2010 was very cold and snowy and the fore-runner to 'that December'. But maybe this year we will get something drier, the first half is looking settled, but what will follow after? Curiously, in my records the 1st and 16-17th have never recorded an air frost. - The mean temperature as ranged from 3.83°c (2010) to 8.12°c (2011). Averages 129.5 mm of rain - Air/Ground Frost on 7.2 + 13.9 days - Snow Fall + Lay on 1.4 + 0.4 days - Gale on 0.3 days - Wet Days (1.0mm=+ of rain) on 16.4 days
Mr. W. Hoggarth of Shap (Copy Hill) sent the following entry to the 'British Rainfall Guides' regarding the November of 1885:-
"The beginning showery; the middle cold and dry, the end very wet.' He also sent in the following comments regarding particular days of the month:
5th 'Snow.' 26th 'Strong S.E. wind and heavy rain 1.05 In.' 28th 'Strong gale and heavy rain 1.01 In.'
'HISTORICAL EVENTS' (above) is a start in recording historical weather in our immediate locality - now includes the flood report: Summary and Analysis
Folk Lore - November
"November take flail; let ships no more sail." "Flowers in bloom late in autumn indicate a bad winter"
"As St. Catherine (25th) foul or fair, so will be the next February"
Sunrise: 7:38 Sunset: 17:13
Moon Phase: Full Moon
Great Asby, Nr Appleby Local site, making for interesting comparisons with Maulds Meaburn.
Brampton Weather NE Cumbria An authoritative site that includes the Cumbrian Weather report.
Visit Cumbria Take a look at Maulds Meaburn and the surrounding area.
A summary of this stations data is sent to the Climatological Observers Link and to the Cumbria Weather Report and forms part of their monthly reports.
Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours
Four Day Weather Forecast and current Synoptic and Rainfall charts
Rainfall Radar courtesy of |